
bootlab e.v.
gerichtstr 65
13347 berlin/germany
bootlab at bootlab dot org

mission -->
events -->
projects -->
members -->

2008 -->
2007 -->
2006 -->
2005 -->
2004 -->
2003 -->
2002 -->
2001 -->
2000 -->

>>43characters >> -->
"north avenue club" -->
gemeinsam utube gucken (test event) -->
nerd-prostitution -->
speaking books -->
the oil of the 21st century -->
screenings -->
open source tools in design education -->
radio bar -->
radiobar -->
amerikanische botschaft -->
in absentia -->
pirate cinema -->
reboot.fm -->
bar im radio -->
attachment -->
copy cultures -->
bootlab raum 3 -->
kino raum 3 -->
real -->
last tuesday -->

This project has been funded with support
from the European Commision.
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So, the image... Historians
don't search, they find.
To shield all these
images from language
means to actually
make use of them,
because they are
in the desert,
and that's where one
has to look for them.

And the day will come
when language
will turn itself against
those who speak it.


                                                 nos humanités (jean-luc godard)
                                       je vous salue, sarajevo (jean-luc godard)
                                                  adieu au tns (jean-luc godard)
                                                        mad as hell (u.s. girls)
                                                              aryan nation (ema)
                                                that battle is over (jenny hval)
                                                            home (holly herndon)
                                             i get the bag freestyle (young m.a)


camp rooftop cinema
tuesday march 13
9 pm

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